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 Is it too late for a Phoenix Down?

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Dew Drop

Posts : 3
Join date : 2016-10-10

Is it too late for a Phoenix Down? Empty
PostSubject: Is it too late for a Phoenix Down?   Is it too late for a Phoenix Down? I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 11, 2016 1:46 pm

i love FFL i don't want to see it die but i doubt there is an active server to play on if there is i would love to to play once again but regardless i would love to have the source code if anyone has it i want to see what i cant do with it but i intend to use it as an engine i don't want to change the feel or the final fantasy theme of it but i do intend to revive the game in a different way hopefully in a way square enix cant attack
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Is it too late for a Phoenix Down?
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